Temple Emanuel is a place where worship is not only about tradition and history, but also about connection, community, and growth. It is a place where people come together to connect with their faith, tradition, and community in a meaningful way.
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Worship services are held Friday evenings at 6 p.m.
Temple Emanuel follows a Reform Jewish tradition, with a focus on Torah, education, social action, and Jewish culture. The service is a traditional Shabbat service, where the community gathers to welcome in the Sabbath with prayers, songs, and readings from the Torah.
The service is led by the Rabbi and Cantor, who encourage the congregation to engage with the text and participate by sharing their thoughts and experiences, and singing and chanting in Hebrew. The service is followed by a communal gathering called an Oneg Shabbat, where members of the congregation gather to share some snacks and spend time together.
Frequently Asked Questions
What do I wear to Temple Emanuel?
As far as attire, dress as you wish or pretend you’re going on a date! Some people choose to come in sneakers, jeans, and t-shirts, while others like to wear suits and jewelry. The clergy generally dress “fancy casual” on a Friday night, but will wear a suit and tie during a B’nei Mitzvah, wedding, or funeral.

Words and phrases you may hear while at Temple Emanuel...
Aron Chodesh – This is our Ark for a Torah (the most sacred book in the Jewish faith).
Bima – Literally, this word means “stage.” This is the raised “stage” from where the Rabbi, Cantor, and musicians lead our Shabbat services.
Challah – A traditional Jewish bread we eat after our Shabbat service. Challah is unique in that is enriched with egg.
Kippah – Also known in Yiddish as a yarmulke, this is a head covering that some people like to wear during worship. We have many in our sanctuary if you’d like to wear one. And yes, even those of other faith traditions are welcome to wear one.
Mazel Tov! – Congratulations!
Ner Tamid – The Eternal Flame. This is a lamp that is “eternally” lit over our Aron Chodesh. It symbolizes God’s eternal presence in our lives and is therefore never extinguished.
Oneg Shabbat – Immediately after the service, this is the time when people chat and catch-up over some light fare (usually challah, wine, and some sweets).
Shabbat Shalom – This is a greeting we say on Friday evenings and Saturday mornings. It means, “Have a peaceful Shabbat.”
Shalom – This is a greeting. It means “Hello!” “Goodbye!” “Peace!”
Siddur – This is our prayerbook.
Tallit – Also known in Yiddish as a tallis, this ritual object is worn during morning worship services by Jewish people who have become a B’nei Mitzvah.
Torah – This is a sacred object, a scroll written in Hebrew, and the core of our faith. The Torah is known as the Five Books of Moses: B’reshit (Genesis), Sh’mot (Exodus), Vayikra (Leviticus), B’midbar (Numbers), and D’varim (Deuteronomy).